Thursday, August 18, 2011

Attention High Heel Addicts

A bunion is the enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the head of the big toe.  Bunions are caused by high heels or ill-fitting shoes, foot injuries, deformities present at birth, and genetics.  To prevent a painful bunion from forming wear properly fitting shoes with a wide toe box.
Even though we all know the danger and risks associated with wearing high heels, it is sometimes necessary.  If your professional enviroment requires you to wear heels or the fashionista in you just can't give them up follow these tips from MSNBC for making high heels a little less dangerous...

1. Try not to stand or walk around in heels higher than two inches for more than four hours straight. If you do wear way-high heels on a big night out, ice your feet when you get home to curb any swelling or pain.

2. Remember that feet can still grow and spread throughout adulthood (especially after pregnancy) and tend to be at their most swollen at the end of the day, so do your shoe shopping in the afternoon. Have your feet measured every year to make sure you're buying the right size.

3. For extra heel and arch cushioning, slip orthopedic inserts into your flats. Most won't fit into skimpy high heels, so use gel pads there instead. You can buy them at a drugstore for around $20, or spring for custom-made orthotics from a doc. If you have bunions that bother you, try Dr. Jill's Gel Bunion Guards, pictured above left.  -Soft, flexible gel conforms and adapts to the shape of the bunion area. Shields and guards the bunion. They can be worn throughout the day in any style of footwear to protect bunions from painful pressure. The guards are washable and re-usable pads. Each pad can be used over-and-over again. And best of all, they are doctor recomended. The Gel Bunion Guards are availble through our product store.

4. As your body's essential support system, your feet can take a lot of weight, but "every pound you gain means an extra three pounds of pressure in your ankle region," says Raikin. Yet another reason to always maintain a healthy weight.

5. To keep your feet limber, do stretches such as writing the alphabet with pointed toes; to massage your arches, roll your feet over a tennis ball for a few minutes a day; and to stretch your ankle and calf, extend your knee, place a towel around the ball of your foot, and pull toes toward you.

For more information on how to take care of your fancy feet or to schedule an appointment visit The Advanced Footcare Clinic's website or call 419-423-1888.

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