Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Five Tips for Healthy Winter Feet

Most people are only concerned about the health and appearance of their feet during the summer months.  By the time winter rolls around, the feet are forgotten about and shoved back into their boots or sneakers.
It's just as important, if not more so, to be extra careful about foot care during the colder months.  When you have falling temperatures, drier air, ice and snow and you start to wear closed-toe shoes, these factors can contribute to foot problems.

Here are five tips to keep your feet healthier this winter.

1.  Invest in good shoes

A good winter shoe should be waterproof, have enough room to fit two pairs of socks to insulate the feet and prevent moisture buildup, and have a gripping sole to prevent slips and falls.  If you don't want to sacrifice function over fashion, try a pair of overshoes.  These can be slipped on over your dress shoes as a way of keeping the feet dry and warm while improving traction.

2.  Don't forget about socks

If you are going to wear two pairs of socks, make sure the first pair is a light synthetic sock that wicks moisture away from the foot.  The outer sock should be a thicker wool.  This allows the moisture to be absorbed and evaporated to the outside.  Cotton socks absorb moisture and will give your feet a soggy environment.  This will make your feet cold and wet, which will set them up for frostbite.

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3.  Keep feet pretty

Just because your feet are covered most of the time doesn't mean their appearance should fall by the wayside.  You should keep your toenails trimmed to avoid ingrown toenails and keep your feet moisturized with lotion.  You want to pick a lotion that will keep your feet hydrated and protect them from becoming dry and damaged.

4.  Watch where you walk

Cold weather leads to slippery surfaces and cracks in sidewalks.  You should always keep an eye on the ground when you are walking.  Even though pavement might look clear, it could still be covered in ice that you can't see.  Once your feet hit the ice, your shoes won't be able to protect you.  You also don't want to hurry yourself to get inside from the cold.  Even if you don't fall on a slippery surface, you could pull or tear something that will take several days to heal.

5.  Don't get cold feet

Staying out in the cold for too long of a time can lead to numbness and pain in the lower extremities.  This could mean the beginning of frostbite.  At the first sign of numbness, you should use warm towels and water to warm up the affected area.  You should then see a doctor just to make sure there is no tissue damage.

If you are experiencing any type of foot pain, call 419-423-1888 or visit our website at to schedule your appointment with Dr. Vail.

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